Welcome to the Caregiver’s Assistance Fund, where we have the great privilege of dispensing membership assistance awards, with funds collected from the membership of the National Caregiver Database. Here you can see the direct results of your collective decisions; to join together to make a difference, to have a voice and be a member of a caregiving community. The funds donated through this website are made possible by your membership in the National Caregiver Database. All members cannot receive awards, but for those who do, your paid membership made it possible. Together, we can lift each other up. We can lift ourselves up, knowing that we are part of a community that values the individual, that is willing to help, to stand together to raise our voices for the common good, and to provide concrete assistance to those in need. As the membership grows and funds are donated, you will be able to see the results of our vision; help received when it was needed, lives changed for the better because the membership of the National Caregiver Database exists.
Supporting each other. Changing lives. Making a difference.
coming soon
funds donated to NCD members!
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NCD members assisted
4.5 million
coming soon
NCD membership